Wednesday, May 26, 2010


download disss niggah went hard on this. alll haters beware1

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hello you fuckers, you assholes, you social rejects…

I hope you get my sarcasm as I generalize our subculture

That once had the biggest of mouths.
Now scared to just speak up,
scared of prepubescent teens with the fastest hands
or has-been role models who gave in to their own cynicism.
I might seem jaded, I might seem arrogant. However

I am a dude of many opinions which I encroach on every open ear.
I find it offensive when someone cowards behind tight lips.
Save face for the sake of social status, prostitution with a pretty face.

No approval here not bought with pride, all loss for some one else’s gain.

Keep your mouth shut. Keep your eyes straight- a -head.

You might make it out of here unscathed but devoid of purpose.

Mediocrity is a fucking cancer; it seems air born and contagious.

I found myself here-when I didn’t fit-most anywhere else.

Now I find it hard to relate to the most familiar of faces.

Don’t Care

Pardon my apathy and my articulation with cheap childish phrases
but I hate the excuses I give this nothing more then these two words

Fuck it

How cliché this all sounds.
This was made for the individual
but is ruined by the ignorant masses

Friday, May 7, 2010


Devoid of faith, we have been forced to walk the path that no one takes.
Been raped and left to take the pain.A life amongst the flames.
For what?For nothing. All for nothing.
Stray from the path and they will break your fucking back.
No longer son of man. I son of a bitch. Exclaim. Attack.
Cut me; I wont bleed. Choke me; I wont breathe.
Shoot me.
Suck Me.
Stab Me.
Fuck Me.
Kneel Before me.
I have swallowed god.
I am alone


They wade through pestilence
We call them wasted youth
The kids are running restless
Not a single fucking thing to lose
Give them enough rope
They'll fucking hang themselves for lack of things to do


Under siege we pray to God
Visible evil rabid dog

Rotting nation
Filthy nation
Stone cold nation
Ugly nation
Armageddon by design
Punishment ripping through

Hated nation
Backless nation
Broken nation
God damned nation

United we stand
One carcass we fall
A quivering mass
Revoked lives
Possessed by greed
Bulldozed to hell
Another culture deceased

Powerless nation
Darkened nation
Terminal nation
Flame filled nation

Monday, May 3, 2010


Alone in a crowd, but we're still standing strong
With X'ed up fists and sing alongs
Times like these are what we live for
These days are more than we'd ever hoped for

We're still here, and we'll never forget the words we said
Time flies by, and the promises made will stay with us
Through our lives

We're not finished yet, that's right

They tried to break the best of us
But still our hearts are true to promises kept


Reppin this shit pretty good so far :D keep it up!